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Saturday March 13, 2004 01:03:29 PM -0500
What a promise that is to those who love and accept Christ. We can rise above the power of SIN and over the power of death, and over Satan’s attack. Romans 10 v 4 “Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes” Eternal life can be ours NOW and for ETERNITY. Under the power and protection of Jesus Christ, we CAN overcome temptation. Romans 8 v 9. This is accomplished not by the sinful nature, but by the SPIRIT. That is … If the SPIRIT of God lives in you. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does NOT belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is ALIVE because of righteousness. If the Spirit who raised Christ from the dead lives within you, he who raised Christ from the dead will ALSO give life to your mortal bodies through HIS SPIRIT who lives in you. “Therefore brothers, we have an obligation, but it is NOT to the sinful nature to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature you will DIE – but if by the SPIRIT you regard as dead this power of sin in your life, you will live, because those who are led by the SPIRIT of God, are sons of God, for you have received the Spirit of Sonship, which allows us to say ‘OUR FATHER” The spirit himself (God’s spirit) testifies with our spirit, that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, that means we are HEIRS, HEIRS of God and CO-HEIRS with Christ, if indeed we share in his suffering i.e. (dying to our sinful self). Do we realize that means giving up some of the things we like doing (SECRET SIN) because we really know that those things are against the word of God when we do them? This means considering CHRIST FIRST, STANDING IN OBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD and lining up our desires with HIS. WE RECOGNIZE THE SPIRIT OF GOD LIVING WITHIN US WHEN: We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s son and that eternal life is through HIM and HIM ONLY, and that there is NO OTHER WAY to get to GOD other than through his SON, nor by any good deeds we have done. (a) Good deeds are done and become a part of our lives as we seek to live for Christ, However, THIS IS AFTER! AFTER WE MAKE THAT ACCEPTANCE OF FAITH. GOOD DEEDS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR SALVATION! Salvation is FREE! We cannot earn it by doing good, it is a gift, it is therefore FREE. We begin to ACT as Christ directs us. (See Romans 8 v 5 & Galatians 5 v 22. There must be a CHANGE in how we view life and how we behave and live. NO LONGER CAN WE CONTINUE TO DECLAIR “JESUS CHRIST”! IN EXCLAMATION WHENEVER AND HOWEVER WE SPEAK, or use “GOD d…” whenever we are frustrated. NO LONGER CAN WE REFER TO GOD A HOLY AWESOME GOD AS “THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS!” He IS not the man upstairs he is GOD! GOD ALMIGHTY! How dare we bring GOD down to our pathetic level! No longer can we laugh at the vulgar jokes, which our unbelieving friends make. No longer can we have and keep the secret sins like viewing pornographic films, because we begin to realize what it REALLY means to stand for CHRIST. We become more aware of our attitudes, question our behavior and seek to understand what the word of God says about how his children should live. We desire to be pleasing to the Lord. HE TRULY BECOMES PERSONAL!
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