Tuesday June 08, 2004 01:01:58 PM -0400




The symbol of the Babylonian cult was the idol of a mother holding her child 

Semiramis who was Nimrod’s wife, knew that God had promised that the seed of the woman would bring forth the Messiah to the earth in Genesis 3 v 1-5.

Semiramis claimed her son Tammuz was divine. She developed idol worship - causing the people to  erect and worship statues of a mother holding a child, this was referred to as the mother child cult.

(Are there any Christian doctrines  today with a strong emphasis on the the mother and child in the forms of statues or icons?)

Semiramis set herself up as the only way to get to god…she claimed she gave him birth and therefore the people could only get an audience with him through her. (Are there any Christian doctrines today that teaches that one can get to Jesus  through his mother who gave him birth? Thus encourages it’s members to pray to His mother who functions as mediator)

Smirnoff claimed she was the Queen of heaven.

(Are there any Christian doctrines today that teaches that the mother of Christ is the Queen of Heaven?)

Semiramis taught the way to get to heaven was through the doing of SACRAMENTS, BY THE SPRINKLING OF WATER AND BY WHAT YOU DO. This is totally opposed to God’s Salvation which is by FAITH in and through his only son Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2 v 8 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourself, it is the gift from God, NOT BY WORKS, SO THAT NO ONE CAN BOAST” (It’s not what you DO that saves you it is what CHRIST did on the cross by the shedding of his blood)

(Are there any Christian doctrines today that teach that salvation is by FAITH PLUS WORKS, works in what it’s members do, like sacraments, like penance, not depending WHOLLY on what Christ did?)

Semiramis taught that there was a place one could go if their soul was not ready to go into paradise (this sounds like what some

call Purgatory) The bible teaches absent from the body, present with the Lord. “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment”. Heb 9 v 27. Positioned between the two thieves, Christ said to one of them “I tell you the truth, today thou shall be with me in paradise” IT DOES NOT SEEM THAT THERE IS ANY STOP OFF PLACE REFERRED TO IN THE BIBLE. ( Are there any Christian doctrines today that teach that there is a stop off place after death, called Purgatory, if one’s soul is not yet ready for heaven?)

Semiramis implemented TEMPLE VIRGINS whom she instructed to pray and fast for 40 days for the resurrection of her son Tammuz whom she claimed was dead and came back to life. To celebrate his resurrection she implemented the feast of ISTAR which is the feast of the COLORED EGGS. (Historically that later became the celebration of EASTER.) and the round cake with the letter T on the top. RESURRECTION POWER IS NOT FOUND IN THE COLORED EGGS, IT IS FOUND IN THE RISEN CHRIST. ( Are there any Christian doctrines  today that teach the calling out of special virgin women to lead a life of celibacy and prayer?)

Semiramis’s son was born in the winter. The winter celebration was around an Evergreen tree, somewhat like a Christmas tree. See Jeremiah 10 v 1 “Do not learn the ways of the nations, v 3 for the customs of the peoples are worthless, they cut a tree out of the forest , and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel, they adorn it with silver and gold, they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter. THEY WORSHIP THE TREE, WE WORSHIP THE SON OF GOD WHO DIED ON THE TREE.


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