Thursday April 01, 2004 07:15:02 PM -0500
Easter eggs, or cakes cannot save us. Why do we accept Salvation by works and faith, not faith alone. That religion that started in Genesis through Semiramis, Nimrod’s wife of Babylon has grown through all the earth. See Rev 17 JUDGMENT IS COMING TO THAT GREAT HARLOT. This apostate church is actually present in many denominations all over the world. Every child of God should search where they are WORSHIPPING to make sure they are NOT members of this Apostate Church! Rev 18 v 4 “ Come out from among them my people, so that you will not share in her sin, so that you will not receive any of her plagues (judgments) v 5 for her sins are piled up to heaven and God has remembered her crimes.” Today is the day of Salvation. “Choose this day whom you will serve”. It will be either God’s way or Man’s way. I pray it would be God’s way!!!! Here is a simple prayer: Lord I am sorry for following the path of my ancestors in a doctrine which clearly is different from your word. I am asking your forgiveness Lord, because I have not been reading the bible to find our for myself what your word says. I have been following a teaching without finding out for myself from your word. I repent of my sins and ask your forgiveness. I desire to live for you Lord and to know you personally as my Lord and Savior. Please come into my heart and create in me a new person. I promise to read your word as often as I can. I will fellowship with other believers who are involved in learning and obeying what your word really says. I ask you to help me to live a life that is pleasing to you, and one that will bring Glory to your name. Amen
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