Saturday June 05, 2004 06:27:50 PM -0400
AS THE BODY IS TO THE HEAD WE SEE HOW NEAR THE CHURCH IS TO CHRIST. AS THE BRIDE IS TO THE GROOM WE SEE HOW DEAR THE CHURCH IS TO CHRIST. Verse 7 – Look at the lamb’s beautiful bride. We are not yet married to the Lord Jesus LETS LOOK AGAIN AT THE JEWISH WEDDING! The parents chose the mates. It was not love first then marriage later, it was marriage first then love later. It was a betrothal – It was a legally binding agreement. The only way to get out was either through adultery ( in which you would be stoned) or through a format like a divorce. It was taken seriously. This position lasted for one year. Now while she is waiting for him to return she gets a ring an ENGAGEMENT RING This seals the deal! In the mean time two things take place 1. The groom leaves his betrothed and goes to his father’s house to prepare for her. 2. The bride is to be preparing herself in the meantime. That is exactly what is happening now to us his BRIDE. While Jesus our GROOM is gone to prepare a place for us, we are preparing our hearts as we continue to live for him. The bride is making her wedding dress, this dress will be adorned with jewels and precious stones the things that she does because of her love for her groom. We as JESUS’ BRIDE is also given an ENGAGEMENT RING—THE HOLY SPIRIT this also seals us, this seals the deal – EPHESIANS 1 V 13. The Holy Spirit have been given to us as a guarantee of our inheritance!!! That’s the promise that one day the groom CHRIST will leave his home and come to get US his BRIDE, the CHURCH. That’s God’s way of saying “ YOU NOW BELONG TO ME, AND I BELONG TO YOU” When he does come it going to be for a PURE bride, not a bride who has had her eyes on others, He did says “NO OTHER GODS BUT ME” LET’S LOOK AT WHAT OR WHO CAN BE ANOTHER GOD? 1. An earthly husband or wife 2. A child 3. Position or Job, career 4. Sports 5. T.V. 6. A car 7. A church leadership, or church responsibilities 8. Possession or belongings 9. My own Body 10. Friend or friends 11. Hobbies LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT I PLACE BEFORE or ABOVE THE TRUE GOD. At this point I might not have realized that they took or were beginning to take the place of God, so I must ALWAYS examine myself before God. That’s one of the reasons I come before God in prayer DAILY. REV 19 V 8 The bride is dressed as a virgin ought to be dressed. That is the same idea that Paul had when he was speaking to the church in Corinth. “ I am jealous for you with a Godly jealousy, because I have betrothed you to one husband, so I may present you as a chased virgin to Christ” THINK OF WHAT THAT BRIDE IS WEARING?1. A gown of GLORY 2. The ring of REDEMPTION 3. The veil of VICTORY as she meets her Godly groom. Then the bible says the gown will be made of her righteous acts- All the good deeds, holiness, all the righteous acts in the living for the Lord will go into the making of this gown. Think of it, EVERYTHING you do for JESUS, every time you show a heart that pleases JESUS. IT MEANS THE MORE YOU LIVE ON EARTH FOR AND PROCLAIMING JESUS, THE MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU WILL BE IN HEAVEN. That’s the Lamb’s beautiful BRIDE.
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