Saturday June 05, 2004 06:27:06 PM -0400
THEY PRAISE GOD FOR HIS GLORY, HIS HONOR AND HIS POWERIt is therefore not surprising that they are singing REV 19 VERSE 1 “Hallelujah salvation and glory and power belongs to our God”. BUT THEY ALSO PRAISE GOD FOR HIS WRATHThey also praise God for his WRATH REV 19 VERSE 2 “for true and just are his JUDGMENTS..( meaning wrath. When God’s judgments are poured out the bible describes this as God’s WRATH.) He has condemned the great prostitute, who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants” This may sound strange that they are praising God for his wrath. We are living in a day when everyone wants to think of God with attributes like “ a MERCIFUL GOD, a LOVING GOD, a FORGIVING GOD, a PATIENT GOD, a KIND GOD, THEY FORGET TO ADD A JUST GOD. They only want to hear of the GRACE of God so that they can continue in their path with no accountability. Look at PSALM 10 v 13. People turn down GOD because they REJECT THE JUDGMENT OF GOD. They want to believe what THEY want to believe. God is a JUST God, God is a HOLY God, he will not allow SIN to go unpunished ( Psalm 104 v 35) THEY PRAISE GOD FOR HIS SOVEREIGN WILL: Rev 19 v 4 Anyone who is on the throne is in CHARGE, that one has POWER Remember the BOOK OF REVELATION is to be seen from GOD’S THRONE ROOM. In the bible there are 56 references of the the throne, of those 56 there are 38 found in the Book of Revelation. When trying to understand this book keep in mind these two statements: 1. JESUS IS COMING AGAIN. 2. GOD IS ON THE THRONE Every chapter deals with one or both of these two pictures, remember the entire book is to be seen from God’s throne room. Hallelujah for his SOVEREIGN WILL Hallelujah for his SAVING WORK Hallelujah for his SEVERE WRATH Hallelujah for his SUPREME WORTH Notice how the praises get more and more starting almost as a trickle then a stream then blooming into a full waterfall. Remember here in rev 19 v 4-5 these are the four and twenty elders and the four living creatures falling down and worshipping God. First they cried “ AMEN, HALLELUJAH.” that’s the trickle in verse 4, then a VOICE from the THRONE (see Rev 19 v 5) that’s the stream, “Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him both small and great.” Then look at verse 6-7, that’s the full waterfall if you would. “then I heard what sounded like a great multitude “Hallelujah For our Lord God Almighty reigns” Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. THIS COULD SOUND LIKE ALL CREATION PRAISING!!! WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT: Because as we see the world seemingly wheeling out of control, we ask ourselves: Where is the justice in this? Why does it seem like the ungodly is moving along just fine! Why does it appear that right things are being marked for wrong and wrong things accepted as right. Why isn’t God doing something about this? This is probably what John might have considered while he was exiled on this island of Patmos. He didn’t say “woe is me” he could have thought, God where are you? but even though he might have considered it in a fleeting thought. HE DID NOT DWELL ON THIS PITY PARTY. NO he didn’t say CESAR was on the throne, but Hallelujah! For the Lord God omnipotent reigns, God is on the Throne! NO MATTER HOW BAD THINGS SEEM, REMEMBER GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE, HE REALLY IS STILL IN CHARGE! FAITH BUILDING: YOU SAY THIS, YOU BELIEVE IT, AND YOU STAND ON IT! Revelation 19 v 7 At this wedding the Groom, the Lamb is at the center of the attention. At this wedding the Organist is not playing “Here comes the Bride”, no it’s playing “Here comes the Groom.” BECAUSE THE GROOM IS THE LAMB. The LORD JESUS CHRIST. The bride is the engaged one the CHURCH. There are two basic metaphors used in the bible to describe the CHURCH 1. THE BODY - who the head of the CHURCH is CHRIST 2. THE BRIDE – the groom is CHRIST
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