The Seven Jewish Feasts

Monday June 07, 2004 01:05:05 PM -0400



The following chart gives a brief example of what is being said. these events occurred on the exact dates that God had set over 1400 years before Jesus was born. keep in mind that the Jewish day begins in the evening (near dusk), on the previous day. feasts appear in the order that God gave them (Lev 23).

 l.  Passover

Fourteenth day of the first month. Jesus was crucified. Jesus became our Passover (fulfilled).

2. Unleavened bread

Fifteenth day of the first month. Jesus buried. The middle loaf of bread is hidden or buried (fulfilled).

3.  First fruits

Sunday following unleavened bread. Jesus resurrected. He became the first fruits of them that died (fulfilled).

4.  Pentecost

Also called feast of weeks in the old testament. Fiftieth day after first fruits. The Holy Spirit came in his fullness (fulfilled).

5.  Trumpets

First day of the seventh month. The rapture (not yet fulfilled). Next major event.

6. Atonement

Tenth day of the seventh month. Repentance of Israel. When they shall look upon him, whom they have pierced (not yet fulfilled).

7. Tabernacles

Fifteenth day of the seventh month. The coming state of rest. Jesus reigns on earth for one thousand years (not yet fulfilled).

It should be noted that these seven feasts were observed on specific days. When Jesus came the first time, he fulfilled the first three feasts on the precise days and in the same order that god had given them. the fourth feast was also fulfilled ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, when he sent the holy spirit on Pentecost. the last three feasts are awaiting fulfillment and are associated with events surrounding his second coming.

Please note that when Jesus returns the second time, there are actually two phases to his coming: 1) before the tribulation, he comes in the clouds to rapture the saints-ref 1 Thes 4:16,17; and 2) after the tribulation, he physically returns to the earth, and every eye shall see him-ref Mt 24:29,30; Zech 12:10.

The next feast to be fulfilled is trumpets; the next event to be fulfilled on God’s prophetic timetable is the rapture. in the wilderness account, there were two trumpets blown, the first one and the last one. the first trumpet was for the gathering or calling of the people; the second (or last) was for the people to move out.
 and the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, “make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shall thou make them: that thou may use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps-num 10:1, 2. note, there are two.


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