Saturday June 05, 2004 04:49:27 PM -0400
HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THESE ARE THE NATIONS REFERRED TO SEE DANIEL 5V28; DANIEL 8V20&21; DANIEL 11V2 2-3 NOTE DETERIORATION OF METALS, AS HISTORY MARCHES ON MEN WOULD BECOME MORE AND MORE CORRUPT. 2 ND TIMOTHY 3v13. SPECIFIC GRAVITY GOLD-19; SILVER-11; BRASS 8.5; IRON 7.8; IRON & CLAY 1.9- THAT IS EVENTUALLY REDUCED TO 1000% LESS. SIMPLY, THE WORLD WOULD DETERIORATE AND GET WORSE AND WORSE UNTIL CHRIST RETURN TO PUT AN END TO SIN. THE WORLD EMPIRES AS DESCRIBED IN Daniel CHAPTER 2 V 31-44 TALKS OF THE VARIOUS EMPIRES THAT WOULD EXIST IN THE WORLD STRAIGHT DOWN TO THE TIME OF CHRIST RETURN. HEAD OF GOLD- BABYLONIAN EMPIRE RULER NEBUCHADNEZZAR 605 BC The Head of Gold was the Babylonian kingdom whose king at that time Nebuchadnezzar. The dream occurred in 605 B.C. The head of gold is significant because the Babylonian reign was a time of culture, advances in mathematics, and was a regime of riches. However, as Gold is softer than is silver, bronze and iron, the Babylonian kingdom ruled with less strength and oppression than the ones to follow. CHEST AND ARMS OF SILVER- MEADS AND PERSIAN EMPIRE WHICH DEFEATED NEBUCHADNEZZAR and captured Babylon in 539 BC see Daniel 5 v 30 (within 66 years of the rule King Nebuchadnezzar , Babylon was defeated by the Persian Empire. Daniel who predicted this was still alive up to then) The arms and chest of Silver represents the Medo-Persian empire. The significance of the two arms is that the Babylonian kingdom was taken over by an alliance between two powers, the Medes and Persians. The Medo-Persian empire was larger and stronger than the Babylonian Empire. They advanced the use of silver and gold coins as means of commerce. The Medo-Persian empire existed from 539 B.C. until it was overthrown by Alexander the Great in 330 B.C. 5 v 28 this is the message that was written MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN “ this is what these words mean: MENE means numbered- God has numbered the days of your reign and has brought it to an end. TEKEL this mean WEIGHED- you have been weighed on the balances and have failed the test. PARSIN this means DIVIDED- your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persian. Daniel 8v 20 The goat is the king of Greece.( In one of the two visions that Daniel’s had – he sees a goat and a ram, the goat represents Geece and the Ram the Persian empire) See Daniel chapter 8 v 1-8 And 18-22 STOMACH AND THIGHS OF BRASS- GREEK EMPIRE RULED BY ALEXANDER THE GREAT WHO DEFEATED THE MEADS AND PERSIANS TO BECOME THE NEXT WORLD EMPIRE. 334-330 BC approximately 209 years later the Greek empire captured the Persian Empire under ALEXANDER THE GREAT The stomach and thighs of brass represents the Greek empire. Alexander the Great, at age 25, pursued the conquests of the Medes which his father had begun. Alexander became a great warrior because of his novel battle tactic. Instead of marching to a city and making camp overnight before he besieged the city, he led his troops immediately into the city. This had the element of surprise and allowed the city to be overcome with little resistance. Alexander the Great died at age 32. Twenty two years after his death, the empire was taken over by his 4 generals 2 LEGS OF IRON MIXED WITH CLAY- THE ROMAN EMPIRE UNDER CAESAR CAPTURED GREECE IN 63 BC ROME MARKED BY DIVISION IE..( CONSTANTINOPLE) AND ROME BECAME DIVIDED WHEN ROME SET UP ITS CAPITAL IN TURKEY, (Constantinople). ROME DEFEATED ALEXANDER THE GREAT TO BECOME THE NEXT WORLD LEADER. (271 years later the Roman Empire over threw the Greek Empire) The feet of iron and clay in the statue describes a revived Roman empire made of a mixture of iron and clay. Such a mixture cannot be as strong as the legs of iron, but will be a re-creation of the Roman empire through an amalgamation of European states which had originally been part of the old Roman empire. This empire is NOW in the formative stage, known as the European Union. THERE WOULD BE A LONG GAP IN TIME BEFORE THE FINAL EMPIRE WOULD EMERGE. 10 TOES – THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE A TEN NATION CONFEDERACY WOULD EMERGE WHICH WOULD BE A FORMAT OF THE OLD ROMAN EMPIRE THIS NEW KINGDOM WOULD BE THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE. THIS WOULD BE THE FINAL WORLD KINGDOM BEFORE CHRIST RETURN TO EARTH. Daniel CHAPTER 2 V 44 “these are 10 kings…10 nations” ROME AS A WORLD POWER STARTED TO DECLINE AND FALL. A LONG INTERVAL WOULD OCCUR BEFORE THIS EMPIRE WOULD BECOME ALIVE AGAIN.
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