Saturday June 05, 2004 08:58:12 PM -0400
CHAPTER 10 1. What is Theophanies and Christophanies? 2. What is Christ 3 fold Ministry? 3. What significant part do clouds play in Christ’s Ministry? 4. What does the rainbow signify and why is it upon Christ’s head? 5. What is the little book and who opens it? 6. Where, when and why does the lion of the tribe of Judah roar? 7. What does the term “there should be no more” mean 8. What is meant by the mystery of God? 9. What causes a sweet and bitter taste in the mouth of the Apostle John? 10. Why should you look for honey in this chapter? In chapter 10 we again discover a parenthesis similar to the one in chapter 7. Between the 6th and 7th seal judgment there is a lull before the storm, we experience a break between the 6th and 7th trumpet blasts. The study of this parenthesis continues through chapter 11v 14. Chapter 10 verse 1 “ and then I saw another mighty angel…..” This angel is Christ, remember Christ was and is eternal, he was before the angels, because it was he who created them. Col 1 v 16; prophetic scholars believes that Theophanies and Christophanies were appearances of Christ in the Old Testament, usually in the forms of angelic manifestations. Now the angel of Jehovah has always acted and worked as a Deity –Proof? Isaiah 63 v 9; On three occasions up to this point in time we have observed this angelic messenger in action: (a) In chapter 7 v 2-3, he holds back the tides of judgment for a special hour of grace. (b) In Chapter 8 v 5 he stands as the messenger of the covenant pouring out the fires of judgment upon the earth. Now he appears again in this text before us. Rev 10 v 1 In the first appearance he comes like a Prophet in the second like a Priest, and in the third like a king. This is the three fold ministry of the Savior. This angel is Jesus. As he comes down from heaven he is clothed in the clouds with a rainbow upon his head. He exhibits a countenance that shines like the sun, his feet are like pillows of fire. What do these attributes signify? Christ in his Diety is usually surrounded by a cloud. See Psalm 97 v2. Disgruntled Israel witness the glory of the Lord appearing in a cloud, see Exodus 16 v 10; Again at the completion of the tabernacle Exodus 40 v 38; Matthew 17 v 5 and Acts 1 v 9; Luke 21 v 27 and Rev 1 v 7. The God of all eternity made a covenant with Noah placing a rainbow in the sky as a symbol of his mercy. The rainbow pictures mercy in the midst of judgment. Who but Christ could wear it. Christ has been often pictured as one who has a shining face as unto the sun. Finally Christ feet as pillows of fire signifies judgment as we see in Rev 1v 15. Revelation 10 v 2 (read) This verse pictures Christ preparing to take control of the earth and sea which have always been rightfully his John 1 v 3. When Christ came to take control 2000 years ago, he was rejected and crucified, buried but he rose again. Since then he has been at the right hand of the Father interceding for his people. Heb 7 v 25. At a given moment he will rise from the throne and make a request. This picture is presented in Psalm 2 v 6-8. At the granting of the request the Lord Jesus sets his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth and unrolls the scroll or book which contains the records of the judgment he plans to unleash. Verse 3 (read) This is the cry of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Heb 7 v 14. Immediately before executing the judgments listed in the book, he cries loudly or roars as a lion to warn of impending danger. Other portions of scripture also speaks of his roaring when he comes as the judge of the universe, Hosea 11 v 10; Joel 3 v 16; Amos 1 v 2, when the Lord roars, seven thunders utters their voices. Verse 4 “and when the seven thunders…..” Thunder is usually associated with judgment no attempt will be made to explain their meaning, some day we shall know, for the present god commands that this is one portion of scripture that is held secret. Verse 5 & 6 this oath is by God himself that there shall be no more delays. Verse 7 The seventh angel does not sound at this point, but rather in Rev 11 v 15. When he does all the warnings of the prophets concerning judgment will be fulfilled. Then the ministry of God will be finished and the tribulation hour will end. Isaiah 1 v 9 At that time the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters covers the sea. When this knowledge covers the land then the mystery disappears. The Old Testament prophets could not understand all the scriptures concerning this mystery. They could not see God’s timetable as we can. 1st Peter 1 v 10-11 describes their situation. This glory has to do with Christ return to earth to establish his Millennium kingdom. Though the prophets knew what would happen, which is evident by their own prediction, they did not clearly foresee the 2000 year interval between the time of Christ rejection and the establishment of his kingdom. Still their writings reflected the fact that a suffering Savior preceded a ruling king as can be seen in Psalm 22 v 14-16. This is Christ speaking prophetically concerning his suffering and crucifixion. Again Isaiah mentions in Chapter 53 v 4-6 a cross preceding the crown. The centuries have now passed, we are now at present at the moment in history when the mystery of God is finished. The final pieces of the puzzle have fallen in place. There will be no further delay. The final trumpet is about to sound and the tribulation hour is about to come to an end. There is great rejoicing as the heavenly hosts proclaim the joyous news. Rev 11 v 15. Some may find it strange that the tribulation hour ends in chapter 11, especially in light of the fact that Chapter 18-19 contains seven more bowl judgment and also that the Lord Jesus Christ does not return until Chapter 19 v 11-16. Let’s explain, Chapter 12 through Chapter 19 v 15 runs concurrently with the judgment already discussed. They are a repeat of chapters 6 through chapter 11. Chapters 12-19 v 15 is a repeat of chapters 6-11. Actually lets outline the book of Revelation to make it easier. Chapter 1- PAST Chapter 2 & 3 - PRESENT Chapter 4-22 – FUTURE With chapter 5-11 and Chapter 12 –19 v15 running neck and neck. Chapter 10 Verse 8 read- At this point John is told to take the book from Christ who stands upon the earth and upon the sea and this he does. Verse 9 read- The little book John is commanded to take is either all or a portion of the word of God dealing with the judgment and John obeys. Verse10 read- This pictures the devouring of God’s word, assimilating it through study, and personal application. At times it is both sweet and bitter. See Jer 15 v 16. Psalm 119 v 103. Now John following the angel’s instruction also find God’s word sweet as honey. This is because He can see the light at the end of the tunnel. As he reads these prophesies he can invasion the established kingdom, the bride sitting by the side of the bridegroom, and the peace and prosperity prevalent in the land with Satan bound and sin abolished. Yet as John learns of the remaining judgments soon to be released on the earth, it is bitter to his mouth. How true for us today. How good is the wonderful news of the gospel. By trusting in Christ, one can have eternal life. John 3 v 36; Rom 10 v 13. However this message became a bitter pill to swallow, when one realizes that the rejection of the gospel brings judgment Mark 16 v 16. This bitter sweet message must now proclaimed by John. Verse 11 “and he said unto me…” John does this as we discover in the coming chapters. John is faithful until the end, proclaiming both the good news and the bad. Presenting both the sweet and bitter. He warns of the remaining judgments the 7 bowls or vials the great White Throne Judgment and the desolation of the present heaven and earth. Faithfulness is what God demands from all of his people up to today. 2nd Timothy 4 v 2.
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