Saturday June 05, 2004 07:16:24 PM -0400



Chapter 9 verses 20-21: We have now witness the release of 13 judgments, 7 seals and 6 trumpets, one would expect the remaining people alive at this time to repent and at least want to consider eternity. However they chose to remain in rebellion, refusing to repent. Verses 20 –21 of chapter 9  Expressing their hatred toward God. Matthew 13 verses 41-42 warns of the result. 5 major SINS which permeates the tribulation scenes and for which men would rather die than give up these sins. 1. OCCULTISM; 2. MURDER; 3. DRUG ABUSE; 4. FORNICATION (or sexual sins) 5. STEALING.

Let us investigate: The tribulation period will be a time of profound DEVIL WORSHIP. Anton Szandor LaVey began the church of Satan movement in San Francisco on April 30 1966, since that time the church has received thousands of followers in California alone, and are directly linked with many other Satanic churches both nationally and internationally. Ref Rev 11 v 8 this  text is referring to Idolatry and Sodomy.

In Great Britain along there are an estimated 35,000 professing witches, of which the infamous Harry Potter series emerged from England. Stores where satanic items, books on the occult, crystals, Eastern Mysticism etc are springing up everywhere. Most recently 5/12/04 Fox Network producers of American Idol brought a Medium, Spiritualist, Psychic Reader to hold individual session with the last four finalist of the show, their consultation with this reader was aired on national television. Daily we can observe spiritualist on national television claiming to speak to dead relatives of members of audiences etc. God HATES this sin. See Lev 19 verse 31; Lev 20 v 6. Anything that smells of demonic related practices, has God’s anger blazing against it.

In addition to worshipping devils, earth dwellers of the Tribulation hour also use idols made of gold, silver, brass, stone & wood. God hates idolatry. This practice breaks his holy law as given to us in Exodus 20 v 4-5. There are those today, who knowingly or unknowingly break God’s commandments by worshipping lifeless man made idols. Their worship is meaningless to God, see Psalm 115 v 48. God condemns idolatry past present and future. During the Tribulation, the world’s idolatrous worship progresses to the worship of the image of the beast and the Antichrist who proclaims himself as God, 2nd Thess 2 v 4. This image is made in his (the Antichrist) likeness Rev 13 v 15, this is the Abomination of Desolation, as spoken in Matthew 24 v 15, which is placed in the Jerusalem temple and which brings great heartache to the Jews of that day. What we are witnessing today are simply stepping  stones to what is coming.

One can see that the world’s present surge of Occultisms is paving the way for the coming of the greatest religious imposter in history. During this same time MURDER becomes a sport and the judgment they are experiencing does not change the situation. The wicked refuse to turn from their evil manner of living. They find pleasure in killing people. Perhaps this is because terrorism is rampant. Matt  24 v 37.   Noah’s days were characterized by violence, Gen 6 v 11. Our 21st century is certainly leading us to this terrifying hour.

These same sins prevalent during the end times are inter-related and have to do with SORCERIES DRUG ABUSE, FORNICATION. The practice of every conceivable sexual sin and THEFT. These sins indicate that bodies are being sold through prostitution and burglaries are being committed to support the drug kick.

Present news headlines indicate that these days are already dawning. Our time as the church upon earth is about to end and we must prepare to meet our God, Amos 4 v 12.

In concluding this chapter let’s spend some time on the matter of drugs: There are a number of words used in the bible  to describe the subject of sorcery. There are at least 27 references to sorcerer, sorceries, sorcerers, witches, witchcraft and the art of bewitching. Five of these references in the NEW TESTAMENT are pertinent to us today and they have a direct bearing on the day in which we live, a present day of drugs and drug addiction. In the book of the O.T and the book of Acts the term Sorcery always meant witchcraft and magic. One should know that this practice was always condemned by God. However there are five occurrences for the word sorcerer in the New Testament having to do with drug addiction, in these instances the original Greek word Pharmacia in which we get our English word Pharmacy. The literal meaning of the Greek is to get enchanted with drugs or to get high on drugs or a kick out of drugs. Medication prescribed by doctors is not part of this condemnation.

The literal rendering then of verse 21 is that men refused to stop their involvement with the use and trafficking of drugs during the Tribulation hour. Each of these five references should be clearly understood to get the correct interpretation. However collectively it clearly reveals: 1. The present world condition as were told in the prophetic scripture; 2. The inevitable result of drug addiction. 3. Certain and definite judgment upon the supplier; 4. Upon the drug victim; 5. The appraisal of this terrible sin in the sight of Almighty God. As mentioned earlier we can already see the dawning and use of drugs into all levels of society. This steady downward regression will be climaxed at the close when judgment is measured.

What do the drug issue have to do with the Tribulation hour? That would be one of the great signs that Jesus Christ is just at the door. What we are presently witnessing in society is just a glimpse of the coming disintegration of society in the Tribulation. Rev 18 v 23 “ for by their sorceries were all nations deceived” The Greek word for sorceries mean Pharmacia i.e. by their enchantment with drugs or getting high on drugs were all nations deceived. This is the result of mankind first mass usage of drugs. Now there is a change in the next occurrence of the word translated ‘sorcerers’ this change reveals a class of people who are doomed and is found in chapter 21 v 8. The Greek word for ‘sorcerers’ in this text is Pharmakeus where as the word Pharmacia means the enchanter of drugs, Pharmakeus means the pusher or seller of drugs. This text clearly show that eight distinct groups of people will not get into heaven, but rather be assigned to the lake of fire, one of this group is enchanters or pushers of drugs.

An additional word ‘witchcraft’ with the same meaning is found in Galatians 5 v 19-21. The word translated witchcraft in our English bible is the word ‘Pharmacia’ in the Greek. The drug user and drug pusher, the players of witchcraft are excluded from heaven. Praise god there is a source of liberation through Jesus Christ, for this purpose the son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. 1st John 3 v 8. It is by the way of the cross of Calvary that Jesus has broken Satan’s grip, not when any sinner genuinely calls upon him for salvation Jesus Christ immediately frees that person from the shekels of sin and death which binds him. There is no limit to the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ.



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