Monday June 07, 2004 01:04:55 PM -0400




1.                  What is the Abomination of Desolation and why is it one of the vilest act in all of history?

2.                  Is it possible to prove that the Tribulation period is actually 7 years long to the day.

3.                  Who are the two witnesses?

4.                  What are the miracles the two witness perform, how will the whole world react toward these?

5.                  Why is Jerusalem called Sodom in this chapter?

6.                  Is global satellite television depicted in this soon to be fulfilled prophecy?

7.                  What happens at the Beer and Salami festival?

8.                  What causes one of the greatest earthquakes in history?

9.                  Is Fox Hole religion practiced during these horrendous days?

10.              What do Revelations chapter 11 & 19 have in common?

Chapter 11 of the book of Revelation deals with the Spiritual life of Israel while Chapter 12 describes her persecution. Since one needs a place for communication with God we see that the temple is erected.

Verse 1- Through the angel, John is told to measure the temple of God and the altar also the people of Israel concerning their spirituality. The first place of worship ever built was called Solomon’s temple as discussed in 1st Chronicles chapter 22 and chapters 28 & 29, as well as 2nd Chronicles chapter 2-7. This temple was destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 590 BC, seven years later rebuilt under King Zerrubble and Joshua. This second temple was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanies a Greek Syrian leader who stuck a pig in the temple on the altar. This act pre-figured the final desecration to occur under the Antichrist as he will set up the Abomination of Desolation in the tribulation temple. Matt 24 v 15. Now we find that a third temple has been erected, this is probably not the final millennium temple of Ezekiel 43 v 48, but a temple which is erected during the tribulation hour and which is used sacrilegiously by the beast who claims to be God, 2nd Thes 2 v 4. This temple, its altar, and the attendants are Jewish. There is no outer court for Gentiles as was in past temples.

Verse 2 – notice that this temple has nothing to do with the church which is already in heaven chapter 4 v 1, it is for Jews and Gentiles NOT  Jews, Gentiles and the church of God.

In the 2nd temple rebuilt and enlarged by Herod the Great in 20 or 21 BC, the outer court was marked off from the inner one where only Israel was permitted to enter. The courts were separated by the metal wall of partition (Ephesian 2 v 14) no Gentile was allowed beyond that point. When the apostle Paul broke this rule, angry Jews almost killed him (Acts 21 v 28) So as John measures the tribulation temple, he is told to omit the outer court undoubtedly because Gentiles will trample the holy city Jerusalem under their feet for 42 months.

There is no doubt about the literalness of the seven years of the tribulation. ˝ of 2520 = 1260 days or 42 months or 3 ˝ years.

                   2 x 3 ˝ = 7 years or 84 months or 2520 days.

Is a 7 year plan scriptural? We can personally check because the DAYS are mentioned in chapter 11 v 3 and chapter 12 v 6 as 1260 days. Likewise the months are mentioned in chapter 11 v 2, and chapter 13 v 5 as 42 month. We can see that 1260 days x 2 = 2520 days and that 42x2 = 84 months which is 1 Heptad or 7 years.

During the final ˝ of the 7 years two witnesses appear.

Verse 3 These two witness are God’s prophets sent to proclaim his message of doom. In the bible sackcloth and ashes always depicts repentance. Repentance is demanded when sin stalks a nation. Repentance is God’s call to either turn from sin or perish. The witness are described in

      Verse 4 These are the two Olive trees or the two candle sticks standing before the God of the earth. Olive trees produces oil, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Candlesticks represent light bearers. Therefore we have a picture of two chosen witnesses anointed by the Holy Spirit, proclaiming the message of light to a sin blackened world. There is no other way to do God’s service. We today must be filled with God’s spirit as seen in Ephesians 5 v 18. There are a number of opinions concerning the identity of these two witness. Most scholars believe they are either Elijah and Moses or Elijah and Enoch. Malachi is explicit in predicting Elijah’s future appearance upon the earth, Malachi 3 v 1 and 4 v 5. Therefore there is no doubt that Elijah is one. Both Elijah and Enoch did not experience death. 2nd Kings 2 verse 9-11. Likewise Enoch Genesis 5 v 24, Hebrews 11 v 5. He also prophesied the coming day of God’s judgment and the return of Christ with his church. Jude verse 14 & 15.

Since Enoch’s ministry came BEFORE the establishment of the Jewish race, he is considered by some to be God’s first prophet to the Gentiles. Elijah however is undoubtedly God’s prophet to Israel. Therefore since God is still calling both groups during the tribulation hours, many believe the two witness to be Elijah and Enoch. However others believe that Moses will the other witness because he appeared with Elijah on the mount of the Transfiguration in Matt 17 v 1-8. This is a preview of the glory which will come in that day when the Lord Jesus Christ will be the only important one. The preview indicate that when that day finally arrives, Moses and Elijah, representative of the law and the prophets will be present undoubtedly as the two witness. Concerning Moses Deut 18 v 15-19. We should keep in mind that the body of Moses was preserved by God Jude 9.

These witnesses dressed in sackcloth and proclaiming the message of judgment will be hated. The latter day terrorist will attempt to destroy them, but God offers protection.

Verse 5 – This can only be supernatural power and intervention. The two witness have superhuman anointing as evident by verse 6 “ they had power…” One of these two witnesses Elijah, had similar power to do the same miracle in earlier days James 5 verse 17-18. Moses the 2nd witness, along with Aaron his brother, had power to turn water into blood and smite the earth with plagues Exodus 7 v 10, therefore the tribulation ministry of these two supernaturally anointed prophets will be but a repeat performance. During the entire period of their witness, they cannot be killed, death must be in God’s appointed time.

Verse 7 “and when they have finished….” Isn’t it wonderful to know that nothing can happen to the Lord’s anointed without his permission. No one can take a believer’s life without the permissive will of God. At this time, the time of the witnesses appointed time ends. God’s purpose have been completed. They soon will be called home. The method of their release from the body is death at the hand’s of the Beast. This is identical to the death issued to the American hostages in 1980 by the Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeni who displayed the dead bodies of these hostages in the streets of Tehran during the hostage rescue attempt. The Antichrist commits this same ghastly displays with the bodies of Moses and Elijah.

Verse 8- Since the Lord was crucified in this city we know that it is Jerusalem. The term great city is the holy city Jerusalem. Whey is it referred to as Sodom and Egypt? Because the moral and spiritual conditions that existed in Sodom before its destruction, and the idolatrous inequities that were present in  Egypt before God’s judgment upon the land are found prevalent in Jerusalem during this period. All the preaching of repentance by the two witnesses does not change the heart of the wicked.

Verse 9- the death of the two witnesses are observed by the entire world. Satellite TV beaming into every home on earth, allows this spectacle to be observed internationally. Following this there is a victory celebration by the Antichrist, similar to Khomeni televised production. The response is great rejoicing, the two doom and gloom preachers are gone. No longer will two hell fire advocates spoil the way the world wants to go. No one now to spoil their beer and Salami Festival.

Verse 10- a miracle of spectacular proportion is about to occur .

Verse 11 & 12- Elijah and Moses experienced the same treatment as did the ruptured saints in Rev 4 v 1. As this all inspiring sight is being observed, God sends judgment for all the sacrilegious acts and the violence that is  perpetrated on these two servants.

Verse 13 “ and the same hour there was a great earthquake etc. The two men comes to life again and vanishes in a cloud. Next an unprecedented earthquake hits the city and 7,000 celebrities (the meaning for many scholars) big names among the celebrities are killed. This video extravaganza will make the nightly news seem like Childs play. Those who live through this experience become very frightened and began to praise God. However it

is not from converted hearts, their praise is out of astonishment and alarm. Their reaction is similar to those of the Scribes and Pharisees at the miracles of the healed paralytic  Luke 5 v 26 “and they were all amazed and glorified God and were filled with fear. They didn’t get saved but scared!!! People do develop a spiritual vocabulary in a hurry. Wait until atomic bombs begin flying, prayer and praise will become the order of the day.

Now we come to the third WOE! Remember these woes were in Chapter 8 v 13. This is now the 3rd woe. Each woe depicts a different judgment. Each in turn become more severe. The first woe, was the 5th trumpet blast, the second woe was the 6th trumpet blast. The final woe is about to sound

Verse 14 & 15. The second woe is passed. The picture before us is the same as in chapter 19 v 11-16. The return of the King! If you will remember that chapters 6-11 and chapters 12-19 v 15 runs side by side during the tribulation hour, you’ll understand why the king returns both in chapter 11 v 15 and in chapter 19 v 16. Chapter 12-19 v 15 are simply a REPEAT of the events described in chapter 6-11.   

Now as the king returns a praise and worship service begins.

Verse 16 “and the four and twenty” There is an act of gratitude, remember the 24 elders represents all believers, both Old and New Testament who have died on the earth and who have been raptured to heaven in chapter 4 v 1. They know first hand that Satan has been the god of this world system, 2nd Cor 4 v 4. They understand fully that the nations of this world has been under his control, Matt 4 v 8 & 9. But now, praise God, Satan’s reign, has finally ended. The king has come, there is great rejoicing in heaven among the raptured saints .

They unitedly praise God (Verse 17) “we give thee thanks Oh Lord” their praise is to Christ, the one that uses the title “which art and was and is to come” The power that was always his has now been embraced and he has begun his reign. This event is an accomplished fact as we have seen in Verse 15. The wicked are upset over the king’s return verse 18 “and the nations were angry …” Notice the number of things that transpired at the king’s return.

1.                              The nations are angry. This is also observed in the other text described in the king’s descent to earth. “and I saw the beast…” chapter 19 v 19.

2.                              The day of God’s wrath has come as the king (Christ) returns. This is the period of time when “out of his mouth (chapter 19 v 15) comes a sharp two edged sword.

3.                              At the conclusion of the king’s 1000 year reign, the wicked are judged. The setting is chapter 20 v 11-15.

4.                              The faithful prophets and saints, small and great are rewarded, at the end of the one thousand years. This is not a picture of the judgment seat of Christ, 2nd Corinthians 5 v 10. At that time, we see believers are raptured chapter 4 v 1; Investigated chapter 4 v 2; Coroneted chapter 4 v 4; and exalted  as they laid their crowns at Jesus feet chapter 4 v 11 long before the tribulation hour ended.

The rewards presented at this time (meaning at the time which  transpired at the king’s return) are for those who were faithful during the Kingdom age who did not rebel and follow Satan as concluded in chapter 20 verse 7 &8.

5.                              Those who destroyed the earth are destroyed. This refers to spirit beings who followed the destroyer Satan. Their destruction is separate from that of the nations, hence the division between the two in verse 18. Satan’s beings receive their judgment at this time as well as the earth dwellers. In the middle of all this Israel is spared. Verse 19 “and the temple of God….” The temple of God and the ark of the testament, both connected with Jewish worship, depicts Israel. Therefore in the middle of lighting, voices, thundering, earthquake and great hail, God spares his covenant people!



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This site was last updated Monday June 07, 2004 01:04:55 PM -0400