Tuesday June 08, 2004 01:10:20 PM -0400
FACT: THE SCRIPTURE WAS WRITTEN BY JEWS THROUGH THE INSPIRATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. HOW DID THE HISTORICAL CHURCH FATHERS COME TO THEIR CONCLUSIONS? Because they abandoned the literal translation of scripture and adopted origins allegorical methods of interpretation of the scripture. Allegorical interpretation means you SPIRITUALIZE the text, you don’t say what it actually says, you SAY what YOU THINK it means. The bible does not SAY what you THINK it means …it MEANS what it SAYS. For those who practice ALLEGORICAL methods of interpreting scripture. They believe we are living in the Millennial reign, well the bible says in the millennial reign the lion and the lamb will lay down together. (Do that NOW and see what will happen) They believe the devil is bound and powerless, and when they have established peace on earth Christ will return. THAT’S NOT WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. The bible is NOT an allegorical text it is a LITERAL text. The events in the bible LITERALLY happened. Jesus of Nazareth was LITERALLY born of a virgin, He was LITERALLY born in a manger.( Mica 5 v 2) He LITERALLY taught in parables Psalm 78, He LITERALLY performed miracles Psalm 78 v 2, He was LITERALLY hated without a cause Psalm 35 v 19, He was LITERALLY betrayed by a friend Psalm 41 v 9, His clothes were LITERALLY divided by lots Isaiah 53, He was LITERALLY offered vinegar to drink Psalm 69 v 29, his body was LITERALLY pierced without his bones being broken, Psalm 34. He was LITERALLY buried in a tomb, and LITERALLY rose on the 3rd day Hosea 6 v 2, just like he said he would. He is LITERALLY returning to earth Acts 1 v 11, I am LITERALLY going to live in heaven, I am LITERALLY going to wear a robe of righteousness, I am LITERALLY going to walk on streets of gold, I am LITERALLY going to live forever!!! THIS IS A LITERAL TEXT!!! So when we turn on Christian TV and hear some minister saying something contrary to the word, no matter who he is . READ THE BOOK and find out for yourself!! Find out what God has to say. The idea that the CHURCH replaced the Jews was CRUSHED in the book of Genesis. In America many pastors and Clergymen have stopped reading the bible and have been reading other books and being influenced by writings and sermons of people they admire. That’s how we get off tract. In the book of Genesis, God gave us 2 clear pictures of Abraham’s seed. 1. ISRAEL; 2. THE CHURCH. Both derived their spiritual inheritance from Abrahams’. Paul makes it clear in Romans 4 v 11 “Abraham father of all who believe”. Our spiritual roots began in Abraham. Christians and Jews and Arabs who believe have their roots in Abraham. The two pictures of Abrahams’ seed is in Genesis 22 v 11. “In blessing I will bless thee, in multiplying I will bless thy seed like the STARS in the heaven and the SAND which is up on the sea shore”. Genesis 1 –16-18. FUNCTION OF STARS: 1. THEY GIVE LIGHT; 2. THEY RULE THE NIGHT; 3. THEY DIVIDE LIGHT FROM DARKNESS. That’s exactly what the CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST does. FUNCTION OF THE CHURCH: A. The church gives light, Jesus said ‘You are the light of the world, The bible says “Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven”. B. The church rules- Jesus said “I give you dominion over sickness, disease, over demons over the power of darkness, what you bind on earth, will be bound in heaven. THE BELIEVER HAS AUTHORITY. C. The church is the point of Division- one is either in the kingdom of God or out of the kingdom of God, either in the kingdom of light or the kingdom darkness. Your are either saved or lost, either wheat or tares, either sheep or goat, following the narrow way that leads to the things of God, or the broad way that leads to hell. One cannot be sort of saved. Jesus is Lord of all or he is not Lord at all. Here’s proof of that in the New Testament see Phil 2 v 14-15 “ Do everything without complaining, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crucked and perverted generation, so that you shine like STARS in the universe so that you hold out the word of life. STARS=THE CHURCH; SAND= THE NATION OF ISRAEL. 1. Sand resists the pounding of the sea. Israel has resisted the pounding of the nations from it inception. 2. Israel shall not be reckoned among the nations. 3. Sand is the boundary line between the water and the earth. 4. Sand is the division between the sea and the land. 5. ISRAEL IS GODS MEANS OF DIVIDING THE NATIONS. God said, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” The nations of the earth are divided in like fashion. They are either blessing the nation of Israel, and those who do will be blessed, and those who curse the nation; God will turn on them with righteous fury. FACT: Sand is earthbound. Stars are heavenly!!! THE church of Jesus Christ has the New Jerusalem in Heaven. Israel has the earthly Jerusalem in JERUSALEM. STARS DO NOT REPLACE SAND AND SAND DOES NOT REPLACE STARS. THE CHURCH WILL NEVER REPLACE ISRAEL. ISRAEL NEVER REPLACES THE CHURCH. Nothing could be clearer in scripture. Some are teaching “Well we are now the Israel of God. NO WE ARE NOT. We are still the STARS and ISRAEL the SAND. We still have a heavenly inheritance and Israel still has an earthly inheritance and NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE THAT FROM THEM. God HAS NOT broken his covenant with the Jews. If God has broken his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and king David, then he can break his covenant with us!That is impossible because God is unchangeable. He is the same yesterday today and forever! Why would God break his covenant with HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE and keep his covenant with a WILD OLIVE BRANCH that was grafted in. Grafted in means the ORIGINAL IS STILL THERE!!! The God of the bible is a God of covenant. Covenant is the soil in which every flower of God blossoms. Covenant is the key holding the old and New Testament together. The Bible is a book of covenant. If God is a covenant breaking God then not one word of the bible is true. COVENANT is the basis of loyalty. COVENANT is the basis of marriage. COVENANT is the basis of society in the kingdom of God. Psalm 105 v 7 “He remembers his covenant forever, the word he commanded for on thousand generation". Some teaches that a long as man keeps covenant, God keeps covenant, but if man breaks his covenant, God is free to break covenant. THAT IS NOT TRUE. Psalm 89 v 30-34. "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the things that is gone out of my mouth” He is saying when you walk out at night and see the moon shining, and when you walk out at noon and see the sun shining. It is God’s testimony that he is keeping covenant with King David and the Jewish people. If you break covenant, God remains faithful, because God cannot lie. We will continue with the birth of Anti-Semitism. The teaching of the church fathers Justin Martyr, Jerome and Lascivious birth the Anti-Semitic hatred in the soul of Martin Luther, the founder of the Lutheran church. Martin Luther wrote a publication concerning the Jews “ know this Christians, you have no more bitter enemy than the Jews, they should have their tongues cut out through the back of their necks and their synagogues burnt to the ground and the ashes thrown to the wind” Martin Luther the founder of the Lutheran church said that and he died shortly thereafter. Adolph Hitler loved the writing of Martin Luther and had them reprinted and published so that everyone in the Third Reich could read them. Hitler invaded Poland on Luther’s birthday to honor him.
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