Saturday June 05, 2004 06:53:34 PM -0400
Jesus became our high priest, and the veil was removed by his death, by the shedding of his blood. His death reconciled us to God so we can now come freely into God’s presence. The whole situation of marriage and the union of man and woman is a parallel demonstrating God’s love for us and demonstration his intension of oneness with us. But it's on a spiritual level. Ephesians 5 v 31 “for this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and be united with his wife and the two shall become one flesh (32) this is a profound mystery, but I am talking about Christ and the church” God takes this union of a man and woman becoming one flesh so seriously, and the oneness they share, that he parallels it with the relationship that is shared between Christ and his church. How important this is for young people to understand! Pre-marital sex is a sin, and as sin one will suffer the consequences. That goes for both men and women. The true significance of this is too far reaching. It is detrimental to move from partner to partner before marriage. Thinking they have found love, many young people are engaging in this covenant without understanding what they are actually doing. Sadly they end up feeling used, empty, and ashamed, until the next person comes along and they start all over again trying to fill a void. If they had only waited and covenanted with their marriage partner, they would more likely have had the opportunity to experience a relationship designed by the Father, one which will given more fulfillment, being rightly committed and spiritually connected. God’s word cannot lie, we will reap what we have sown.! Time after time we see how connected a woman gets with a man that she has had that level of contact with. Despite many years which might have passed, when he is no longer in her life, she always seem to have a part of herself missing once she has involved herself physically outside of a marriage commitment. She might never admit that, not even to herself, she may never even realize that this is a problem area . Sometimes many years later, she is not happy yet she cannot understand why, she might even be married by then to the greatest man. Yet deep in her heart, she is not really connected with this person. She tries to fill this “disconnection or void” with children, careers etc… etc. This is because she has given a part of herself away and it’s not with her husband. The oneness she should be having at this time is not possible because some part of her spirit is not there. The person she is now with, does not have it. It is with another, so she is not complete, she is disconnected. Many people spend their whole lives trying to find fulfillment in one relationship after another, never understanding that there is a far reaching spiritual meaning they are missing which they themselves may have flawed. God however is so merciful…he keeps forgiving us time after time. We can always go before him and if we are truly repentant, he will forgive us. But we must be willing to change. You can ask to get you spirit back….after all our awesome God is able to do anything! Is it possible what Paul is speaking about when he says ‘I’m speaking about Christ and the church “the love relationship that God wants with his people” as described like the deep wonderful covenant relationship between and man and his beloved wife.
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