Saturday June 05, 2004 06:52:51 PM -0400
Oneness in marriage parallels oneness with god Jesus prayed to the father to make us one with him as he is one with the Father, so that we are one with the father. The veil in the temple was torn at Christ’s crucifixion. Why? As the blood was shed, the veil was torn, making us one with God. We can now enter the Holy of Holies freely. See scripture Christ and the church Similarly – as we leave mother and father and cleave… the importance of the sex act in marriage making the husband and wife one. The hymen or veil is torn… blood is shed…a covenant is made…making us one with each other. The two shall become one flesh…both people have now engaged themselves into a Spiritual Covenant. Is this possibly the reason why God hates divorce? He intended one husband and one wife, because one cannot become “One flesh with more than one person” when one engages in this covenant with different persons, one open oneself to “spiritual confusion”. Could it be that god made us to be one with one person? If so what could happen when we engage with multiple persons?…we become disconnected. Is it possible that a spiritual covenant happens in this “first act” when that veil of the woman is torn, she becomes spiritually one with that person, and he with her. No matter what happens in her life, or where life takes her, she never forgets that person. She may pretend to move on but he really is a part of her , for as long as she has breath. Is it possible then, that our creator had intended this “oneness” ‘for as long as they both shall live’ and therefore the two really become more than physical connected but also ‘spiritually connected’? No wonder society has spun out of control! Our civilize society has embraced pre-marital sex with open arms. Yet the studies show that this involvement has far reaching consequences. There is far reaching emotional chaos derived from these encounters afterwards in the lives of people, especially the woman. Remember God did say she will have desire for her husband, Genesis 3 v 16. God placed a “chip” in the body of woman which is quite different from a man. She never ever forgets the person that she first engaged this connection with. Even though she may have married another, years later, she can never ever forget, because she had acquired a spiritual connection with that firs. This is not necessarily the same with the man. Remember it’s the woman who bears pain in giving birth. It’s the woman who has the veil. Please recall the Priest in the Old Testament, he would enter into the Holy of Holies and have fellowship with God, that’s a privileged position, and cannot be taken lightly…only one priest can go in …only one has that privilege. He is the High Priest. He was required to pass through the outer court which served as a veil, then to enter in to the Holy of Holies to meet a Holy God. God is using something physical and personal so that we could understand his love and devotion to us.. this is a “special oneness”, a holy oneness we must have with him. It must not be shared with any other God, because that would be spiritual fornication (that’s what he calls it). If god is equating his love relationship with the church and using this parallel, can you see how important this act is, this oneness is. When Adam and Eve were one, they communed with God in the garden. Only when sin was introduced it broke that commune, and the veil was put between God and man. God had created man in his own image. Man was a combination of both male and female. “He called them Adam.” If we could only understand the marvel of what it means in a full and proper union of a “believing” husband and wife coming together before God to pray and commune with him. …they are reproducing what man had in the garden of Eden. Remember in the garden before sin with introduced both man and woman as “man” communed with God. See what happened when sin was introduced, they became aware of their nakedness. in other words they lost their innocence. So God had to cover their nakedness by killing an animal and using its skin to cover their nakedness…Gen 3 v 21. Sin caused the shedding of blood. It caused death! Exactly what the bible says “for the wages of sin is death” where did God cover, not their heads, not their arms, not their backs, but the sexual parts of their bodies. Why! Because that’s the covenant areas….he placed a veil over their “covenant areas”.. When Adam and Eve had no veil they could freely commune with God…nothing separated them. After the sin of Adam and eve, man needed a High Priest because a veil was now placed between man and God separating man. Sin had separated them… sin separates us from God . They could no longer commune with a Holy God who has no sin. We cannot commune with a Holy God who has no sin without Jesus Christ.
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