Saturday March 13, 2004 02:03:10 PM -0500
There are some things that we will NEVER understand if we view them through the NATURAL i.e. our normal ways of viewing things or our normal ways of thinking!! SUCH IS THE PEACE OF GOD!! What really is the Peace of God? It is a presence, which comes upon the individual, i.e. “like a headache” you literally feel it and you know that it is there. When the peace of God comes upon you- in the midst of a turmoil in you life- It does not make any sense that you should feel this peace, but it’s really what Phil 4 v 7 is saying “the peace of God” which transcends ( or its ABOVE) all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus …..that’s the peace of God. It’s a lasting peace- it doesn’t come and go. It is different from a regular calmness, or a state of calmness that is there with you then leaves you to continue in panic. This peace stays with you. This peace is really the indwelling presence of the HOLY SPIRIT, which is manifested and is expressed in the feeling that “everything that is in the will of God, will be alright.” It IS in the will of God that you as a child of God is blessed, is taken care of, is protected, is provided for, is given the desire of your heart, is healed, Once your life lines up with God, your desires will be in agreement with His will for your life. The peace of God is therefore one of the attributes of the Spirit of God, demonstrated in the life of the believer in the midst of everything he or she is facing. IF YOU HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU, THEN DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU POSSESS THE PEACE OF GOD….HOWEVER YOU MUST TAP INTO IT. THE SECRET LIES IN HOW YOU LIVE!!!!! This peace is so powerful because God is powerful. It will cause you to act in ways totally opposite to others who might be in far less turmoil than you. The world without this peace will be flung into panic, depression and fear, but with God’s peace, one is able supernaturally to rise above, without even understanding how they could possibly be doing that under the circumstances they might be in. REMEMBER JESUS DID SAY in John 14 v 27 “ PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU, MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU” Folks this is a PROMISE FROM THE LITERAL MOUTH OF CHRIST. The world will never be able to understand this because the things of God are foolishness to those who do not have the spirit of GOD. This peace may make you laugh almost inappropriately, when God pours out his spirit of peace upon you. It’s as if you were functioning in the spirit, so you are actually laughing in the Spirit. (Like David danced in the spirit, it didn’t make sense to his wife, who was embarrassed) Your friend might say “ If I had your situation I would die, NO you won’t die, because with God’s peace you Will live and overcome. This peace assures you that you Will rise above your circumstances. Listen folks GOD IS AWESOME don’t try to restrict him or put him in a box!!! HE CAN AND WILL DO FAR ABOVE THE IMAGINABLE. With God’s peace your concentration is sharpened, your thinking is more alert, this is no wishy, washy existence- IT IS POWER EXISTENCE!! Power that could ONLY come from the ALL MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER THE PRINCE OF PEACE. A person must be focused on God to attain and retain this peace. Remember when Peter asked to come to Jesus on the water, Jesus said come, and Peter came and was doing fine….until Peter took his eyes off Jesus…what happened? HE STARTED TO SINK!!! John 16 v 33 ‘ I have told you these things so that in ME you may have PEACE. WHO IS SPEAKING…IT IS JESUS…IT IS ALL IN JESUS, HE CONTINUES …In this world you will have troubles, ( He didn’t say MAY he said WILL) but take heart! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. In other words Jesus is saying that YOU WILL HAVE the opposite of peace, which is troubles, but he continues that HE HAS ALREADY OVERCOME THE TROUBLES on our behalf, so it is taken care of and PEACE remains for us. BUT WE CAN ONLY FIND IT IN HIM (remember what he said “so that in ME you may find peace.” So simply put the Peace is in Him, so you have to look to HIM, HE HAS IT!!! Remember the sustaining power of EVERYTHING is in JESUS!! IT’S LITERALLY ALL ABOUT JESUS!!!!
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