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Saturday March 13, 2004 01:57:40 PM -0500
ROMANS 4 V 25. Jesus was delivered to death for our sins and raised to life for our JUSTIFICATION 5v1 says we have gained access by faith into his grace in which we now stand ( this means.. Jesus who made us justified by his death, this justification keeps us in FAVOR with God. So if you do not have Jesus you cannot be or ever hope to be in FAVOR with God. SALVATION IS BEING JUSTIFIED. Being justified makes us as if we NEVER sinned, you appear to God as if you never sinned. SANTIFICATION MEANS: TO GET CLOSER TO GOD: TO cleanse or set apart for sacred use: to declare (mean to speak holiness to make holy). John 17 v17 “Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth”. IF we get into the word of God we begin to grow and get CLOSER to God. ROMANS 15 v 14 so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Thessalonians 5 v 23 “May God himself, the God of peace, Sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” SANCTIFICATION: Setting ourselves apart Sanctification – to get closer to God. This means Willingness to make sacrifices for our Lord. There is a difference between a follower and a Disciple. The FOLLOWER just goes along, goes to church sometimes regularly, sometimes on and off, he may go to church once a week and that’s enough for him. He may read his bible sometimes but with no dedicated time schedule or plan. If he remembers fine, if he doesn’t still fine. No specific plan of any particular walk. Just going along and doing the best he can. . A DISCIPLE wants to Know God, wants to move closer to God wants to move into fellowship on a deeper level. A disciple sets himself/herself apart in conjunction with the reading of the word in a move to get closer to God. Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and start to begin to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Moving from JUSTIFICATION i.e.: getting saved - to a state of knowing God is SANCTIFICATION. Sanctification is going on to Live a life directed by the Holy Spirit. Spending time with the Lord, to talking with the Lord and Listening to the Holy Spirit and being led to do what he personally directs you to do. This is not a 10 minutes reading of the bible, You will find that you PURIFY yourself as you continue to Listen to God. This is not a one-time move it’s a continuous ongoing process. DYING to self is a process of SANCTIFICATION. Meaning what our flesh wants to do is no longer what we want to do, our flesh wants to stay in on a Sunday morning our self has to take second place and allow our spirit to lead and cause us to move get up and go and fellowship. This is putting Everything everyone second to God, all circumstances children, husband, job, friendship, everything, Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and hearing and following His direction. He will lead but when we become sanctified we chose to let him lead. If wife/ husband is leading and wants to engage in a particular situation we have to chose who first to yield to, wife/ husband or the Holy Spirit, if friend wants to go a particular place we have to chose who to yield to friend or Holy Spirit, if children want to pressure us into making certain decisions we need to chose to be led by children or yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit…when we get to the place where we are truly willing to yield to the full leading of the Holy Spirit revealed through the Word of God were are being Sanctified.
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