Monday June 07, 2004 01:04:57 PM -0400




Chapter 7 was a blessing because it describes a “great revival” but chapter 8 is one of the most devastating portions of the scriptures in the bible, because we witness the opening of the 7th seal. This seal include the 7 trumpet judgments. They are so terrifying that all the heavenly

Hosts become silent for about ˝ hour. (verse 1) What causes this breathtaking silence among angels and men? The contemplation of these forthcoming trumpet blasts. (verse 2) These trumpet judgments were prophesied by Enoch as recorded in the book of Jude verse 14 & 15.

The judgments were also anticipated by the Psalmist Psalm 96 verse 13. “They will sing before the Lord for he comes to judge the earth, he will judge the world in righteousness and the people with his truth.” (Romans 1 verse 18) and (Acts 17 verse 31).

Before the trumpet sends forth its blast in verse 7 we see a prayer meeting chapter 8 v 3-4 This angel could be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself, because he ministers both to God and men. (see 1st Timothy 2 v 5) Our savior appears as an angel of the Lord in the Old testament in many instances. For example He wrestled with Jacob, he walked among Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace and made numerous Old Testament visits to his people. This mediator between God and men who ever liveth to make intersession for us (Hebrews 7 v 25) now stands at the altar adding incense or offering to the prayers being offered. The prayers are of course occurring on earth. They are prayers for judgment. ( Rev 6 v 10 )They cry “how long Oh Lord” at this point their prayers have reached the throne of God (chapter 8 verse 5) now every noise imaginable is heard as judgment is prepared. (verse 6) ready! Aim! Fire! That’s what they are about. (verse 7) the same kind of judgment occurred in Exodus 9 v 22-24. Similar to these judgments. It happened then and it will happen again. ( READ verse 8) This judgment could be like a great meteor falling into the sea, something gigantic like a mountain falls causing 1/3 part of the sea to turn BLOOD. A similar occurrence took place in Moses days Exodus 7 verse 19-21.  (Read verse 9 ) God’s 2nd trumpet blast is so terrible that 1/3 of the ships are destroyed. God only knows horrendous plagues will result when nucleus war  under or upon the ocean takes place.

( verse 10-11) The word CHERNOBYL in the Ukraine bible means wormwood. This judgment also occurred in Moses days (Exodus 7 v 17) now the same phenomena is repeated. A star or meteor soaring through space strikes the planet and 1/3 of our planet is affected. Water supply becomes a deadly poison as rivers, springs and wells are affected. The water is bitter and undrinkable. Something similar happened in the past when a volcanic eruption in the Aleutian Islands in the northern Pacific ocean on March 21st1823 caused the water in that area to become bitter and unfit for human consumption. This could easily happen again. For God created every star, he knows their locations and even names them. Psalm 147 v 4

Verse 12-13 This 4th judgment has to do with earth’s luminaries i.e. sun, moon and stars. We know on the 4th day of creation God said “let there be light in the firmament of heaven” – Genesis 1 verse 14. Now at the blast of the 4th trumpet, 1/3 of the light produced by these bodies is extinguished. This also happened in Moses days (Exodus 10 verses 21-23) It happened once it will happen again. The worse is yet to come. An angel flying through heaven crying Woe! Woe! Woe! This correlates with Daniel 9 when the 70th  week in Revelation 6 is described. The first 3 ˝ years of the tribulation is not nearly as terrible as the 2nd half of the 7 years.

Our Lord in Matt 24 v 4-8 describes the first 3 ˝ years as the beginning of sorrows. However he referred to the final 3 ˝ years as the Great Tribulation , (Matt 24 v 21).

As the tribulation hour approaches its climax, the judgments become more severe and the loss of lives greater. This is especially noticeable as we observe the space given to trumpet judgments 5 and 6. Notice that only 1-2 verses describes and covers the first 4 trumpets, HOWEVER trumpet 5 required 12 verses, and trumpet 6 required 9 verses.




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