Saturday June 05, 2004 07:13:52 PM -0400
The message of repentance and the blood was to prepare the hearts of the people for the THIRD part of the message which is the coming of the king. Though Christ was rejected in the days of John the Baptist, he WILL be received when the 144,000 Jews preach the identical message. At this time a world wide revival takes place. For one of the elders in heaven is speaking to John and confirms that these are those who came out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Chapter 7 v 13 & 14. God in his mercy sends Holy Spirit empowered revival during this period. Proof? Verse 9 “after this I beheld a great multitude which no one could number from every kindred & tongue stood before the throne, clothed in white robes with palms into their hands” AFTER WHAT? After the 144,000 Jewish evangelists are sealed by the spirit of God. God’s message is ALWAYS first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles ( Romans 1 v 16) declares “ I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jews first and also to the Greek” Now that the Jews hear, John sees a great multitude that no man could count from all nationality standing before the throne. Their white robes proved that they have trusted in the message of the blood and they are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. The waving of the palms in their hands, signifies victory. They have overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. They are joyous because they have survived the first six seals of judgment and their joy leads to praise! Verse 10 they cried with a loud voice saying “salvation to our God which sitteth on the throne and unto the Lamb”. This multitude recognize the source of their salvation and victory. They cannot be kept silent. Immediately the angels join in their praise verse 11 & 12. “and all the angels stood before the throne…….” This is a glorious scene as the angels surrounding the throne with God’s people, represented by the elders fall on their faces and worship God. Their seven fold praises centers around: 1. BLESSING 2. GLORY 3. WISDOM 4. THANKSGIVING 5. HONOR 6. POWER 7. MIGHT to God for ever and ever Rev 7 verse 11 Rev 7 v 13 Then one of the elders asked a question verse 14 “These are those who came out of the Great Tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb”. PLEASE NOTE JOHN DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THIS GROUP….. however he KNOWS the raptured church in chapters 4 v 1, but he does not recognize these who were on earth in this text. “those who came out of the great tribulation” He recognizes the CHURCH in heaven, but this new group are new brothers and sisters in Christ, which he does NOT know. They have been saved in a different period of time. A time when he and the church were ALREADY in heaven. The church was not on earth to make their acquaintance. The next scene is exciting: Each group saved during different dispensation of time have different duties to perform. The Church as the BRIDE of CHRIST, enjoys a thousand years honeymoon on earth. Chapter 20 v 4, they reign as rulers, kings and Priests, see 1st Peter 2 v 9 and Rev 1 v 6. The 144,000 serves as Bodyguard of the Lamb and his Bride , chapter 14 v 4. The Gentiles saved during the tribulation will be Temple Servants, waiting on Christ and his Bride, they serve in the glorious temple, described in Ezekiel 40-48, this takes place immediately after Russia, under the names, Gog, Magog, Meshak, Tubal is destroyed as seen in Ezekiel 38 & 39. At such a time the millennium Temple in Jerusalem is erected (and these Gentiles saved during the tribulation) will serve in the Temple as described in Rev 7 verse 15. Everything is so near!!!! The depravation which they had suffered under the rule of the Antichrist is now abolished. Please remember under the reign of the world dictator, there was restriction in food for those who refused to take the mark of the beast 666. Now with the Lord in their midst ( the Gentiles who came out of the Great Tribulation), the picture changes. Chapter 7 verse 16 This refers to the scorching which the people during the Tribulation hour, as the 4th angel pours out his veil upon the sun as power was given onto him to scorch men with fire, chapter 16 v 8. The word HEAT refers to the fires of persecution as described in 1st Peter 1 v 7. Such trials are now finished FOREVER. From this point onward the peoples of God from all dispensation enjoys the presence of God. Their days of suffering, heartaches and abused by an ungodly world is finished. Tears are wiped away. Every remembrance of pass sorrows have been removed from their minds. See Rev 7 verse 17
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