Saturday June 05, 2004 08:49:22 PM -0400



1st Seal Judgment

Rider on White Horse- chapter 6 verse 2 "I looked and there before me was a white horse..." ---now look at Matthew 24 v 3-5.

The rider on the white horse depicts the 1st seal judgment. Satan ALWAYS tries to counterfeit what Jesus does. In Chapter 19 v 11 the Lord is seated on a white horse when he returns to the earth with you and I. Therefore 7 years before this event the ANTICHRIST also mounts a white horse. This is a picture of DECEPTION a COUNTERFEIT. See Matt 24 this 1st sign Jesus makes is about DECEPTION…”take heed no one deceives you” Throughout the ages we the believers are warned about deception, spiritual deception…you MUST KNOW CHRIST, you MUST KNOW WHAT HE FEELS LIKE, WHAT HIS WORDS SAY, WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE or you will be deceived into following a false DOCTRINE.

Same in those hours TO COME. THEY WILL SEE A CHARISMATIC PERSON, HE will have an arrow but no bow!!!! that is deception. (If you saw someone walking down the street with an arrow in his hand, would you not look to expect he would have a bow, but this rider has no bow, which tells us that he appears PEACEFUL, non threatening BUT HE IS A DECEIVER…he is a liar, orchestrated by the father of lies…YOU KNOW WHO THE FATHER OF LIES IS?

This event is IDENTICAL to the SIGN Jesus is giving in Matthew 24 v 3 - 4.

This rider is out to DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD.


Rider on Red Horse- chapter 6 verse 3 & 4—“Power was given to him to take peace from the earth and they shall kill one another” Peace is affected by the Red Horse rider  See Matt 24 verse  6 (2nd sign) Jesus said “ you will hear of wars and rumors of war.


Rider on a Black Horse- chapter 6 verse 5 & 6 “a measure of wheat for a penny” the black horseman causes shortage of food in areas of the world, THIS IS A PICTURE OF MASS STARVATION. Similar to the 3rd sign Jesus gave. See Matt 24 v 7. Jesus said “there shall be famines”.


Rider on a Pale Horse- chapter 6 verse 7 & 8 – “Death and Hell followed with him”. He has authority and power of a 1/4 of the earth’s population. Daniel tells us that is the area of Europe, Mediterranean/Middle eastern area, Northern Africa.  4th sign Jesus said “there shall be pestilence, earthquake” destroying thousands                       


Rev 6 verse 9 “And I saw on the altar the saints that were slain for the word of God and for their testimony. Similarly to the 5th sign, Jesus said in Matt 24 verse 8 & 9 “These are the beginning of birth pains, then you shall be handed over and be persecuted and put to death”.


Finally in Rev 6 verse 12-16 John tells us the 6th seal- “great earthquake,, stars falling,  earth shaken, similarly to what Jesus gave in the 6th sign 

Matt 24 verse 29 “immediately after the tribulation, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give light, the stars will fall from the sky and the heavens will be shaken”


Like birth pains they have started and are expected to increase and really steam up, however during the TRIBULATION HOURS they will really get going. However each sign is completed and fulfilled AFTER we have been taken up to heaven, so that we can return with JESUS. However we must first GO UP so that we can RETURN.                                                                                                                     

Chapter 6 v 9  “when he opened the 5th seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained” These saints are seen under the altar, in the Old Testament the word ALTAR referred to a place where blood has been sacrificed. These saints loose their lives in the tribulation hours testifying for Christ. These slain martyrs are “crying” they are not in an UNCONSCIOUS state. We don’t understand the spirit world, but we know that spirits live, they are not “UNCONSCIOUS” they move. The spirit never cease to exist (see teaching on the spirit never cease to exist) they cry out to God. It seems to be possible for the dead to cry out in this situation because the spirit never CEASE to exist.   

Our spirit never DIES, the body may die but NEVER THE SPIRIT. Their cry is one of vengeance. Please remember these saints are not under grace, they want blood, they want vengeance. This is far different from Stephen who being under GRACE cried  “Lord lay not this sin to their charge” GRACE allowed Stephen to be able to say that.  These martyred saints know prophecy is being fulfilled and wonder “how long” must it be before their love ones must get deliverance from suffering. But this is a DIFFERENT Dispensation, the fulfillment of the hour mentioned by David when he spoke of the actions of Jehovah Psalm 9 v 12 “ For he who avenges blood remembers, he does not ignore the cry of the afflicted” REMEMBER the Dead are in TWO places….as believers their SPIRITS are with Christ and their BODIES are in the grave. 2nd Cor 5v8. The SPIRIT BEING has a temporary covering…SEE 2nd Corinthians 5 v 1 “Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands”. Our loved ones are with Jesus if they died testifying in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Seal 6  chapter 6 verses 12-16  There are 3 earthquakes in the book of Revelation. In verse 12 we see a great earthquake. The judgment of the first four seals (the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse)  were brought upon the world by the ANTICHRIST.

Now the opening of the 6th seal begins the SUPERNATURAL JUDGMENT from Heaven. Earthquakes have accompanied the Judgments of God  throughout history. Mount Sinai quaked when God descended on it in FIRE. Exodus 19 v 18 . Rocks were smashed to smatterings  through earthquakes in Elijah’s days 1st King 19 v 11. There was also a great earthquake when Christ died at Calvary Matthew 27 v 51 & 52. This is exactly what Christ predicted in the tribulation hours in Luke 21 v 25 & 26. (distress of nations). No wonder a vast population of the earth dies. At this time the earthquakes are so great that stars fall from heaven. The scene is so terrifying that men HIDE. The situation becomes so overbearing that Men Beg to Die. Thank God, the CHURCH is in HEAVEN during these calamitous hours.



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