Monday June 07, 2004 01:05:02 PM -0400
THE 7 CHURCHES WERE: EPHESUS, SMYRNA, PERGAMUM, THYATIRA, SARDIS, PHILADELPHIA, LAODICEA. The qualities or other characteristics of these 7 churches have been evident throughout the various churches of the world, down to the present time. If you look around you will see them in churches down our very streets. THE CHURCH OF EPHESUS: Rev 2 verse 1-7 This church was HARD WORKING, PERSEVERING, yet they had falling off from demonstrating the love of Christ. The church was busy but their efforts were not motivated by the love of Christ. It seemed at one time they: 1. Could not tolerate wickedness and would even expose false apostles among the church. 2. Were hard working. 3. They endured hardship for Jesus yet had not grown tired. But what happened? They started paying attention to other things and “FELL OUT OF LOVE WITH JESUS.” How could that be possible? Remember in Ephesians Paul had commended the Ephesian church for it’s love for Christ and others, but 35 years later Jesus is now telling John that this church had lost it’s first love. They were busy, the members did much to benefit themselves and the community, but they were acting out of the wrong motives. Work for God must be motivated by love for God or it will not last. Look at a love relationship with a man and a woman- when they first fall in love they are so CONNECTED, they are so happy. SIMILARLY with a NEW BELIEVER- They rejoice at their new realized forgiveness in Christ. THEY ARE IN LOVE WITH CHRIST! BUT WHEN WE LOSE SIGHT OF THE SERIOUSNESS OF SIN, WE BEGIN TO LOSE THE THRILL OF OUR FORGIVENESS!! In the first stage of our Christian life, we had ENTHUSIASM WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, BUT NOW WE HAVE KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT ENTHUSIASM. BOTH are important if we are to keep Love for God intense and untarnished see Heb 10 v 32, 34 As the church matures it cannot stay in the enthusiastic phase only, that will not last, one must get deeper into the WORD of GOD for the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. However all of this must be motivated by the love of God. …..REMEMBER IT’S ALL ABOUT HIM, NOT ABOUT US. Just as the 7 branch candlestick in the temple gave light for the Priests to see, so the church was to give light to their surrounding communities, motivated by the love of Christ. Here Jesus is warning the Ephesian church that their light could go out. At first, they spoke against wickedness, but later they refrained. MOHAMMEDANISM LATER SWEPT THROUGH THE LAND AND THE CHURCH OF EPHESUS BECAME NON EXISTENT. WHO WERE THE NICOLAITANS? THE NICOLAITANS were believers who COMPROMISED THEIR FAITH IN ORDER TO ENJOY SOME OF THE SINFUL PRACTICES OF THE EPHESIAN SOCIETY. When we want to take part in activities we know are wrong, we may make excuses to justify our behavior, saying it isn’t as bad as it seems, or that it won’t really hurt our faith. Christ has strong words for those who look for excuses to sin. What was it about them that angered God? THE WORD NICOLATIANS IN GREEK MEANS VICTORY OVER LAITY. THE EXOLTATION OF THE CLERGY WITH LITTLE OR NO FREEDOM TO THE MEMBERS. Remember the Holy Spirit in 1ST Peter 5 verse 3 told the church leaders not to be lords over Gods heritage. These examples we see today when church leaders try to IMPOSE THEIR MAN MADE RULES OVER IT’S MEMBERS. The world needs Christians who will stand for God’s truth and point people toward right living. THE CHURCH OF SMYRNA: 100 AD –312AD. Rev 2 verse 8-11 The church of Smyrna was sandwiched between two hostile forces: 1. A JEWISH POPULATION WHICH WAS STRONGLY AGAINST CHRISTIANITY. 2. A NON JEWISH POPULATION WHICH WAS LOYAL TO ROME AND SUPPORTED EMPEROR WORSHIP. Persecution was a definite in such an environment. THE CHURCH OF SMYRNA- Christians SUFFERED THE GREATEST PERSECUTION IN ALL CHRISTIANITY Their work in the name of Jesus Christ brought about these PERSECUTION AND ACCOMPANIED POVERTY. However great treasures were laid up for them in heaven. Their dedication to Jesus brought the WORD OF GOD TO THE ENTIRE ROMAN EMPIRE. IT WAS THE CHURCH OF SMYRNA WHO WERE: A. FED TO THE LIONS FOR THEIR FAITH. THE CHURCH HOWEVER FLOURISHED AND GREW. B. CHURCH HISTORY TELLS US THAT 5 MILLION WERE MARTYRED FOR THEIR FAITH CHRIST WARNS ABOUT THIS PERSECUTION AND ENCOURAGES THIS CHURCH OF THE REWARDS OF BEING FAITHFUL. PERSECUTION COMES FROM SATAN, NOT GOD. THE ENEMY CAUSES PEOPLE TO SUFFER AND EVEN TO BE KILLED…HE MAY TRY TO HARM THE BODY BUT CAN DO NO SPIRITUAL HARM. The believer WILL receive the CROWN OF LIFE. Jesus commended the church of Smyrna that despite their suffering they REMAINED FAITHFUL. Even if one is having difficult times don’t let that turn you away from God …STAND FIRM AND TRUST GOD, ONLY THEN WILL OUR FAITH PROVE TO BE GENUINE. THE CHURCH OF PERGAMUM: FUNCTIONED FROM 312- 606 AD. Rev 2 verses 12-17 This area was called the place where SATAN HAS HIS THRONE. Meaning ALL KIND OF EVIL PREVAILED in this environment. PERGAMUM was a sophisticated city, it was the center of Greek culture and education with a 200,000 volume library even at that time. … REMEMBER THE GREEK in 2nd Timothy 3 v 7 WERE EVER LEARNING AND NEVER COMING TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. IT WAS ALSO THE CENTER OF FOUR CULTS FIRST THE CHURCH THERE HELD FAST TO THEIR FAITH BUT SOON BACKSLID. Pergamum suggested a MIXED MARRIAGE BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD. WE GET THE WORDS BIGAMY AND POLYGAMY FROM THE WORD. THE BABYLONIAN RELIGION ESTABLISHED IT HEADQUARTERS AT PERGAMUM AND INFILTRATED CHRISTIANITY. It became part and parcel of Satan’s establishment although they called themselves by Christ name…Christians and made verbal witness, they embraced the pleasures of the world. THEY GAVE HEED TO FALSE DOCTRINES AND WERE INVOLVED INTO ALL KINDS OF WICKEDNESS. THEY ALSO HELD FAST TO THE DOCTRINE OF THE NICOLAITANS “man made rules”. THE CHURCH OF THYATIRA: 606 – 1520 AD Rev 2 verses 18-28This church was loaded with service and good deeds, her works outdid her. Although Thyatira had many good qualities, nevertheless she had some deep rooted problems as well. Notice Jesus commended all of these churches for their works. Many scholars believe this church is actually still found today in the world. Her works became even greater at the end of her lifetime until she is destroyed by the Revived Roman Empire in chapter 17 & 18. Jesus associates Thyatira with jezebel (Jezebel was the woman who seduced god’s people in pagan practices and idolatry. god calls upon Thyatira to repent of her ways. she got one thousand years to do it but she did not. Jesus remarked that judgment would come upon her…those who would partake of her abominable inequities including idolatry would be destroyed. that church which sits upon 7 hills would be destroyed chapter 17 v 9, the details concerning this event is discussed in chapter 17 & 18. the obvious lesson here is that god hates sin. God says here that the church which did so many good deeds in the opening passages must be horribly judged, because of having undone every good thing that had been originally performed in the name of the Savior.. the only good news in Thyatira is that a remnant remained faithful in spite of the deterioration of this local church. Those who did not succumb to Jezebel’s theological follies and wickedness. We must CONTINUE IN THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD UNTIL HE COMES…NOT MAN MADE RULES AND REGULATIONS. Christ has promised faithful believers three rewards upon his return to the earth: 1. RULERSHIP OVER THE NATIONS DURING THE MILLENNIUM CHAPTER Chapter 20 v 4 2. SHARING IN HIS GLORIOUS TIME OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Psalm 2 v 8 & 9 3. THE ABIDING PRESENCE OF THE BLESSED SAVIOR CHAPTER 22 verse 14-16
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