Monday June 07, 2004 11:23:16 AM -0400
The question arose, God made all things, therefore he made evil and he made good. When some people are confronted with the fact that God is not able to make evil, because he is a Holy God and can have no part of evil, they will say, “but he made Satan and Satan is evil, therefore he made evil as well”. No, God indeed made Satan, but Satan chose to sin by trying to exalt himself above God, giving birth to evil. Evil was birth within Satan’s heart because the free will God allowed him, gave him the ability to choose. He chose SIN the other name for EVIL. He could have chosen Godliness the opposite of Sin. God repeatedly gives us warning against EVIL. Why would he himself MAKE evil and warn us so vigorously against it. When we choose to SIN, evil is developed – we introduce EVIL, THROUGH SIN. That’s why in the Lords Prayer, he taught us to ask the father to lead us away from temptation, why because temptation leads to sin and sin BIRTHS EVIL. Deliver us from evil, what is he saying, he is saying we must ask for help to fight against EVIL. Evil is not brought into the world by God, it is by man’s sinfulness that evil is formed. Look at these scripture verses, and then ask yourself can a Holy God truly have any part in developing EVIL? If so why is he having these writings in the scriptures? Is he contradicting himself? Of course not, it is written those who have ears to ear they WILL hear and understand. Psalm 5 verse 4 Not a God who takes pleasure in EVIL Psalm 34 v 13 Keep your tongue from EVIL Psalm 97 v 10 Those who love the Lord hates EVIL Psalm 34 v 14 Turn from EVIL and do good. Proverbs 8 v 13 To fear the Lord is to hate EVIL Proverbs 11 v 19 He who pursues EVIL goes to his death Proverbs 24 v 20 For the EVIL man has no future hope Isaiah 5 v 20 Woe to those who call EVIL good Matt 6 v 13 But deliver us from the EVIL one Romans 12 v 9 Hate what is EVIL cling to what is good 1 Cor 13 v 6 Love does not delight in EVIL 1 John 2 v 13 You have overcome the EVIL one The space shuttle can leave earth and go all the way to space with its mighty energy. God has given man WISDOM and man choose to build this mighty machine. He develops his God given talents to do various things of his choice. He chooses to use that wisdom to build the shuttle but he could have chosen to develop a deadly virus, killing millions of people. WOULD WE SAY THEN, THAT GOD MADE THE SPACE SHUTTLE? Of course not, would we say God made that deadly virus, of course not. Yes God has given man the ability, man chose to work at it and develop a final product. Man chose and worked on the device until a product was BIRTH. The shuttle was not there before he worked and development it. Same as EVIL – God did not make EVIL – it was never there until the action of SIN gave birth to it. Man worked on the DEVELOPMENT of EVIL – through the ENEMY of God who is Satan. God is the opposite of EVIL he is all GOOD. He could never make what he opposes. We cause EVIL to exist when we function apart from God. But didn’t God create Satan – Yes God created Satan, but God did NOT create Satan as an EVIL BEING. When Satan rebelled against God, He gave birth to EVIL i.e. EVIL was introduced into the world through his rebellion against God. SIN in Satan’s heart through rebellion brought EVIL AND EVIL BROUGHT DEATH, BECAUSE SIN BRINGS DEATH. Remember the opposite of Godliness is EVIL OR SIN. Satan chose and when he chose AWAY from God, he is choosing OPPOSITE to God. God is GOOD the opposite of GOOD is EVIL. No God did not MAKE EVIL, BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIL WITHIN GOD. HE CANNOT MAKE EVIL. EVIL is BIRTH within the heart of MAN. NOT GOD!!
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